Ontario to Patagonia: Two Friends on the Adventure of a Lifetime

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Special Update: Extreme Palenque

Heyyo! Just got into Panama yesterday... today we begin the long and arduous process of selling the car.  Currently we got 3 options: 1) Sell it to a used car lot, they cover import taxes; 2) Bring it to a wrecker and get exit stamped as having been in a accident; 3) Leave it with an Aduana, they get to keep the car when we don't come back in 6 months... We see how this starts to shake down today.

Missing home a bit now, but definately ready to get out of Central America and into the south. Something about having to get out of paying bribes with every other "Official" is starting to get a bit wearing. Eventually we'll post an updated budget so anyone else whose attempting something like this can have a benchmark. So far we're pretty close to being on mark...

Uploading two vids today, #1 is of Palenque, the massive ruins up in Chiapas, Mexico. It includes a plethora of interesting facts by yours truely. #2 Covers our missadventure trying to cross to Tikal in Guatemala. Road was innundated. 15 hour detour. You get the picture. 
Let us know how life is with you. 
VID #1: Palenque, Extreme!

VID #2: Getting out of Mexico...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Retrospect: The road to Ixtapa

Yo, currently we are sitting in the Black Cat hostal in Antigua Guatemala. Although we tried to explore Pacaya yesterday, our car overheated comming up a giant mountian and we had to turn around. Apparently a combination of crappy gear ratio, thin air and lower boiling point conspired against us. Today we make for the Guatemalan / Hunduran border, and we hope to set ourselves down in Copan beside the border.  This video, albeit a ways back, takes place between Mazatlan and Ixtapa; nearly 4 weeks ago! Enjoy. And please shoot us some feedback! :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Greatpanamerican CRIBS: Ixtapa Edition!

Hey everyone, Well B and I are here in Xela (Quetzaltenango… now you know why everyone uses Xela) for 2 weeks of intensive language school. I suppose the last time we had contact was as we were exiting Palenque. Well we definitely did not make it to Flores the next day. Get this- the road was flooded; prompting a 14 hr. detour south. The one night, for fear of Chiapas post dusk, we slept in this little village (complete with cockroaches and all) off the side of the road; a polar opposite experience to what you guys are about to watch in our CRIBS episode. But that is what makes this trip so unique… and enjoyable. Originally we were told that Chiapas was supposed to be one of the most intensive legs of our trip… and after completing the entire perimeter (not by choice)… we emerged with all of our limbs intact. I have to say Chiapas has one of the most breathe taking landscapes in Mexico.

The Guatemalan border was intense as could be. In fact we had to cross the border back into Mexico to get exit stamps… after our car had to get fumigated? However the people here are genuine and amable. We are treated like Canadians here… and not Gringos! Food here has been interesting. For the first time in my life I can say I am supplementing my diet with McDonalds… just to survive. Beans have yet to get old- actually we have been using the ´Frijole´ standard as a basis of meal costs.

I also must give a shout out to our buddy Rance who we met here in Xela almost two weeks ago- a trio of trouble for a while.

I must say that B and I are still getting along quite well. We have spent the past two weeks apart in separate houses, as well as different teachers at school. So I kinda miss the guy! (Hopefully he isn’t at his house sharpening that giant hunting knife as I write this).

Anyways, I could ramble on for hours… but you id like to save some stories for future video posts. What you are about to watch is a video of our place in Ixtapa, Mexico… about two and a half weeks ago. Enjoy J

Take care all,

PS. A piece of advice when you travel with another man for this long and I am positive B will agree:
-Tabasco/ Hot sauce rule: When you eat beans as frequently as we have been, hot sauce has been the icing on the cake. However, one can only sauce depending on two factors
1) The weather- whether or not you can open the windows in the car
2) The quantity of toilet paper left in the car- self explanatory…..

The Proposed Trip

The Proposed Trip

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